Are you interested in potentially collaborating with us? Scroll to the bottom of the page and answer a few questions - we'd love the chance to touch base / chat!
Manuck Research Team Presentations -
Images from SMFM 2025!
Some of our team members!
AJOG-MFM Editorial Team dinner. Drs. Manuck and Dude from UNC are an integral part of the Pink Journal with Dr. Berghella at the helm!
Incredible view of the rockies at sunset from the main lobby!
SMFM President's Workshop on PTB. Dr. Manuck was one of the invited co-Chairs of this incredibly productive think tank style workshop!
Are you interested in potentially collaborating or working with our team?
We have several ongoing and recently complete projects related to preterm birth, preeclampsia, health disparities, environmental exposures, and predictors of adverse outcomes. We have expertise in conducting prospective, longitudinal pregnancy cohorts that generate rich datasets allowing us to incorporate many key covariates.
We are beginning an intervention based RCT in the spring of 2025 designed to provide personalized support to patients at high risk for medically-indicated preterm birth and/or spontaneous preterm birth, funded by the NIMHD (R01MD017947).
We are beginning an intervention based RCT in the spring of 2025 designed to provide personalized support to patients at high risk for medically-indicated preterm birth and/or spontaneous preterm birth, funded by the NIMHD (R01MD017947).
Please don't hesitate to reach out!